Coming home to excellence

Property Management Associates (PMA) is Ironwood HOA’s property management company. PMA’s office’s phone number is (802) 860-3315, email is Williston office hours are 8 am to 4 pm, Monday thru Friday, by appointment only. Calls made during these hours are answered as often as possible. If you need to leave a message, their voicemail is checked every half hour. If you have an emergency and no one answers, follow the instructions on the voicemail. We ask that you use discretion in determining what is and is not an emergency. Please refrain from using the emergency protocol if the matter can wait for someone to return your call or until regular business hours.
Myers Container Service provides Ironwood’s trash, and recycling services. Both are picked up every week on Tuesday. Please have containers at the curb in front of your unit by 7 am and promptly remove once pick-up has occurred.
Pinnacle Properties provide Ironwood’s landscaping, mowing, and snow plowing. Spring Clean-up (April/May, weather permitting). Summer Maintenance (May – through the end of the growing season). Summer includes weekly mowing on Mondays (weather permitting), Fall Clean-up (October/November), and Winter. Winter plowing and walkway shoveling occur when two inches (2”) or more fall.
Gutter Cleaning is done annually, typically in late Fall after most leaves have fallen. PMA will notify homeowners in advance. Should issues arise, contact PMA directly.
Dryer vent cleaning is done once a year and is a mandatory requirement for all homeowners for safety and insurance compliance. Ironwood HOA offers homeowners the opportunity to participate as a group for a discounted service. The Property Manager will contact homeowners in advance for scheduling. If you choose not to participate in the group, you must make your own arrangements and provide a copy of the invoice to the Property Manager for confirmation of completion.
Property Management Associates (PMA) will inform the Ironwood community when other vendors are expected in the neighborhood. Should you have questions or concerns with any vendors on the Ironwood property, please direct them to PMA.